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Neonail Transfer Foil - 12 Toffee
Neonail Transfer Foil - 12 Toffee
  • SKU: 9986

Toffee - Transfer Foil No 12


    Just a bit of nail transfer foil is enough to completely change the character of any styling. Apply it however you like. On entire nails or only selected parts. All this to prepare a captivating manicure full of metallic shine in a few moments.

    You don't need to have any experience in creating decorations. Even beginners can apply the golden transfer foil. You only need your favorite shade of nail polish to apply the product in its sticky layer or on Transfer Gel, on which you can also apply transfer foil. Nail foil in a toffee shade with a golden glow - it will beautifully decorate any manicure Toffee transfer foil is a shiny decoration in a nude shade.

    Its golden glow immediately catches the eye and can make any style look elegant and interesting in just a few moments. Apply the foil over your favorite shade of hybrid varnish. It can be classic black or white, but it will look equally beautiful with shades from the autumn Love your nature collection. It only takes a moment to prepare the most fashionable decoration of this season in the blink of an eye!