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NeoNail Powder Chrome Flakes Effect NO. 01
Chrome Flakes Effect 01
  • SKU: 7225

Chrome Flakes Effect 01


    Chrome Flakes Effect No. 01 (0.5g) It's all about glam. (0.5g) are metallic foils in the form of extremely shiny, thin flakes that will create a shimmering, multi-dimensional effect on your nails. This elegant manicure will make you shine at any party! The foils can be applied to any color of the hybrid, but the most spectacular effects can be obtained on the black hybrid varnish.

    Chrome Flakes Effect collection Shades of silver, gold and copper will conjure up unique stylizations that will be perfect for the carnival period. They will also be a beautiful, shiny complement to the evening or wedding look. By using two methods of application (by rubbing into the entire surface of the plate or selected places) you can create many stunning stylizations.

    It is up to you whether you want a subtle or highly opaque effect. You will definitely love this phenomenal manicure! (0.5g) creates a silver, shiny finish and a unique glamor effect.