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 Duo Acrylgel Shimmer Peony - 15g
 Duo Acrylgel Shimmer Peony - 15g
 Duo Acrylgel Shimmer Peony - 15g
  • SKU: 9683-1

Shimmer Peony - Duo Acrylgel 15g


    Duo Acrylgel Shimmer Peony - 15g

    We combined the strength of acrylic and the lightness and flexibility of the gel with beautiful shiny particles - this is how a novelty was created that will revolutionize the world of nail styling! Discover Duo AcrylGel with glitter in Shimmer Peony. It's subtle

    girly pink that hides shimmering particles. You can use this product to make a subtle and elegant styling that will perfectly emphasize your beauty! What will surprise you with the pink gel with particles?

    Innovative formula - the combination of acrylic strength and the lightness and flexibility of the gel makes Duo AcrylGel with glitter great hold and very easy to apply. A great effect - glitter particles have been embedded in the pink gel formula, which will wonderfully brighten up any styling.

    Thick consistency - Duo AcrylGel with particles does not flow onto the cuticles, thanks to its thick formula. Such consistency also ensures comfortable work - even on 5 nails at the same time. Adapting to your needs - this product gives you not only the possibility of extending, but also modeling nails. With the help of Duo AcrylGel with glitter you will create the manicure you dream about.

    High comfort of work - easy and quick application without an unpleasant smell is a huge advantage of this product. In addition, the lack of heat sensation during curing, as in the case of classic building gels, is also very comfortable for the stylist and her client.