Next date for any orders receved to be posted out is Thursday 2nd Jan 2025
Create Art, Create More UV/LED Gel Polish 7.2ml
Create Art, Create More UV/LED Gel Polish 7.2ml
  • SKU: 10564-7

Create Art, Create More – UV/LED Gel Polish 7.2ml


    The power of creation lies within each of us, and it is worth looking for inspiration primarily within ourselves. Be your own muse that stimulates creativity and the willingness to act. You can express this by creating an eye-catching hybrid manicure that will make you stand out.

    Choose a transparent hybrid varnish full of colorful particles to apply alone or combine with other shades. Unleash your creativity and let yourself be carried away by creative energy with the Create Art, Create More shade from the NEONAIL collection! Transparent nail polish with particles - create a hybrid manicure that will delight Create Art, Create More is a transparent hybrid varnish with round pink particles and purple-blue pieces of cut foil.

    It is a transparent product that you can apply alone or in combination with other colors to prepare a phenomenal manicure for spring 2024. Reach for it when you want to quickly and easily make the look of your nail styling more attractive. This spring, unleash your creativity and let yourself be carried away by the power of creation by creating a spring manicure with a transparent hybrid nail polish with colourful particles!