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Decorating tool (White)
Decorating tool (White)
  • SKU: 1263-4

Decorating tool


    Decoration probe

    Nail art probe is a professional tool used in manicure and pedicure.
    This device is finished on two sides with metal balls (differing in size).
    It facilitates the execution of a smile line with a gel french and the application of all decorations. The width of the larger ball is 1mm, the width of the smaller ball is 0.5mm.
    Rules for proper cleaning:

    all tools before use and immediately after, should be thoroughly cleaned,
    regular lubrication will maintain their effectiveness,
    prolonged contact with water can damage tools and impair their effectiveness, blunting and damage caused by dropping may result in a reduction in their service life,
    treatments with hard nails and cuticles will weaken the tools, which is a normal phenomenon,
    all accessories, manicure and pedicure devices have their specific lifespan and only until then will they work properly,
    Sterilization and disinfection will gradually weaken the effectiveness of the blades and the quality of steel in the tools.  Proper storage:

    All properly cleaned, disinfected and dried tools must be stored in a dry and clean place.